09. Video: Combining Data
Combining Data
Video Correction: At 0:12, the instructor clicks on the join, and you'll see that the tables are joined on the Market variable. The tables should be joined on order_id.
For more details on joins, see the walkthrough above.
If you are using Tableau version 2020, the steps may be slightly different. You can still use joins to connect to the data. There is just one extra step to reach the joins/unions canvas.
- First, drag your table on the data pane, this will create a logical table(used for relationships)
- Then double click on the table(on the data pane) to open it. This will by default open the physical table to perform joins.
Here is the Tableau Article with detailed information on how to perform joins on tables in the new version of Tableau. Check the content under ** Combine tables from the same database ** section of the article.